KitutoAfrica Hygiene Solutions Company offers a discreet and convenient method to safely and hygienically dispose of sanitary waste. Providing your female washroom visitors and employees with a discrete and hygienic way to dispose of feminine waste is a vital consideration.
We stock manual, no-touch silent lid opening designs that protect users from seeing the contents inside.
Sanitary bin units are serviced and maintained by trained and approved technicians.
Feminine waste is handled in a safe, sensitive and environmentally friendly manner.
Bins are treated with fragranced materials, which combats any unpleasant odors and destroys harmful bacteria
We Provide Bins
We provide an all-in-one sanitary waste collection and disposal service where sanitary bins are provided in each cubicle at the client facility to collect and store sanitary waste hygienically and safely.
We Collect Bins
We then collect the waste from the bins regularly either on a 7 day, 14 day or monthly frequency. Our staff clean and disinfect the bins and replace the bin liner and disinfecting agent used to kill bacteria
We Dispose Waste
Lastly we remove the waste from the client site in discrete bags / trolleys, and disposes of it in the legally prescribed manner. A simple solution that ensures dignity, compliance and a hassle free experience.
Sanitary Bin Services