First we discover the type of spider and completely destroy its web. Then we spray chemicals around the homestead so as to exterminate the spider and its eggs completely. Spider are very notorious pest and require specialist to completely destroy it .We have invested in advance technology in dealing with spider and our technical will handle this pest issue once as for all.

Spiders are a common household pest that can cause fear and discomfort for many people. While most spiders are harmless and even beneficial in controlling other pests like mosquitoes and flies, some species of spiders are venomous and pose a risk to humans and animals.


Kitutoafrica Hygiene solutions company offers a range of spider control services to help clients manage their spider problems effectively and safely. The company uses a variety of methods, including exclusion, removal, and habitat modification, to control and prevent spider infestations.




Exclusion is the process of preventing spiders from entering buildings or other areas where they are not wanted. Kitutoafrica Hygiene solutions company uses a range of exclusion methods, including sealing cracks and gaps in doors, windows, and walls, and installing weather stripping and door sweeps to prevent spiders from entering buildings.


The company also recommends keeping outdoor lights turned off at night, as lights can attract insects, which in turn attract spiders. Additionally, reducing clutter and removing piles of debris around the outside of buildings can help to reduce spider habitats and entry points.




If spiders are already present in a building or area, Kitutoafrica Hygiene solutions company can use safe and humane methods to remove them. One method is to use vacuum cleaners equipped with special filters that capture the spiders and prevent them from escaping. This method is especially effective for removing spiders from hard-to-reach areas like ceilings and corners.


Another removal method is to use sticky traps or glue boards to capture spiders. These traps can be placed in strategic locations to capture spiders as they move around the building.


Habitat modification


Habitat modification is the process of altering the environment to make it less attractive to spiders. Kitutoafrica Hygiene solutions company uses a range of methods to modify spider habitats, including reducing clutter and removing debris from the outside of buildings, removing webs and egg sacs, and reducing moisture and humidity levels.


The company also recommends using screens on windows and doors to prevent spiders from entering buildings, as well as keeping food stored in airtight containers to reduce the presence of insects that spiders feed on.


Health and safety


Some species of spiders, such as black widows and brown recluse spiders, are venomous and can pose a risk to human health. Kitutoafrica Hygiene solutions company takes health and safety seriously and follows all appropriate safety procedures when working with spiders.


Before any work is undertaken, the company carries out a thorough risk assessment to identify potential hazards and to develop appropriate control measures. The company also uses appropriate personal protective equipment, such as gloves and masks, to protect its workers from exposure to spider venom and other hazards.




In conclusion, Kitutoafrica Hygiene solutions company offers a range of spider control services to help clients manage their spider problems effectively and safely. The company uses a variety of methods, including exclusion, removal, and habitat modification, to control and prevent spider infestations.


By working with a professional pest control company like Kitutoafrica Hygiene solutions company, clients can ensure that spider control is carried out safely, effectively, and in compliance with all relevant regulations and guidelines. With their expertise and commitment to humane and eco-friendly pest control, Kitutoafrica Hygiene solutions company can help clients solve their spider problems and restore peace and comfort to their homes and buildings.

Once you have observed spider infestation call KitutoAfrica pest control services. It is advisable we deal with the menace at early stage as highly infested situation will demand for more trip which will be expensive. KitutoAfrica pest control and fumigation services has a vast knowledge in matter spider. Our technology in dealing with spider has always been successful. When you call us pest control services you can be guaranteed that your spider experience will be a thing of the past.

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