Expert Centipedes and Millipedes Control Services in Kenya – Safe & Effective Solutions

Pest control plays a crucial role in maintaining a clean and safe home environment. It ensures the well-being of you and your family by preventing infestations and reducing potential risks. In this article, we will explore the significance of professional pest control services in Kenya and provide valuable information on how to effectively control centipedes and millipedes in your home.

Understanding Centipedes and Millipedes

Centipedes and millipedes are fascinating creatures that play important roles in our ecosystem. While they share some similarities, there are distinct characteristics that set them apart. Let’s delve into the world of centipedes and millipedes to understand their habits, behavior, and differences in appearance.

Characteristics of Centipedes

Centipedes belong to the class Chilopoda and are known for their elongated bodies and numerous legs. They can vary in size, ranging from a few centimeters to several inches long. Most centipede species have flattened bodies with a distinct head that features a pair of mandibles and a pair of segmented antennae.

One of the key characteristics of centipedes is their speed and agility. They are fast-moving predators that primarily feed on insects and small invertebrates. Centipedes use their venomous pincers, located near their head, to capture and subdue their prey.

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Characteristics of Millipedes

Millipedes, on the other hand, belong to the class Diplopoda and are known for their cylindrical bodies and numerous legs. Unlike centipedes, millipedes have a rounded appearance and lack the speed and agility of their centipede counterparts.

Millipedes are mainly detritivores, feeding on decaying organic matter such as fallen leaves and dead plants. They have mouthparts designed for chewing and are often considered important decomposers in the ecosystem.

Differences Between Centipedes and Millipedes

While both centipedes and millipedes share a segmented body with numerous legs, there are several key differences that can help distinguish between the two:

  • Legs: Centipedes have one pair of legs per body segment, while millipedes have two pairs of legs per segment.
  • Habitat: Centipedes are predominantly terrestrial creatures that prefer moist environments like soil, leaf litter, and logs. Millipedes, on the other hand, thrive in damp habitats such as forests and gardens.
  • Defense Mechanisms: When threatened, centipedes can deliver a painful bite using their venomous pincers. In contrast, millipedes have a defensive mechanism that involves curling into a tight spiral and releasing toxic compounds from their exoskeletons.

Common Centipedes and Millipedes Species in Kenya

In Kenya, a diverse range of centipede and millipede species can be found, each with its unique characteristics and habits. These fascinating creatures play essential roles in the ecosystem, but can occasionally become pests in homes and gardens. Understanding the common species can help homeowners identify and manage potential infestations effectively.


Centipede Species in Kenya

One of the most commonly encountered centipede species in Kenya is the Scolopendramorsitans, also known as the Tanzanian red-headed centipede. This species can grow up to 8 inches long and has a reddish-brown body with characteristic yellow legs. They are often found in dark and damp areas such as basements, crawl spaces, and gardens. While centipedes are generally considered beneficial as they prey on other insects, their bites can cause mild to moderate pain and discomfort.

Another widespread species is the Haematoxylum centipede (Scolopendrasubspinipes). They are known for their larger size, reaching up to 10 inches. These venomous centipedes have a brownish-black body with a yellow underside and have been observed in various habitats across Kenya. Their bites can be quite painful and may cause allergic reactions in some individuals.

Millipede Species in Kenya

One of the most recognizable millipede species in Kenya is the Archispirostreptus gigas, commonly called the giant African millipede. These large specimens can reach lengths of up to 12 inches and have dark bodies with distinct yellowish-brown bands. They are typically found in moist organic matter, such as leaf litter and decaying wood. Giant African millipedes are harmless to humans but may release a defensive fluid that can cause skin irritation.

The Somali millipede (Pachybolus sp.) is another frequently encountered species. These millipedes have a dark brown or black appearance and possess a characteristic “shield” shape. They are primarily found in grassy areas and feed on dead plant material. While Somali millipedes are harmless to humans, they can sometimes cause damage to plants when populations become too large.

Signs of Centipedes and Millipedes Infestation

Centipedes and millipedes are common household pests in Kenya, and their presence can be quite unsettling. It’s important to be aware of the signs that indicate a centipede or millipede infestation in your home, so that you can take swift action to address the problem.

  1. Sightings:One of the most obvious signs of a centipede or millipede infestation is actually seeing these pests in your home. Centipedes are known for their long, segmented bodies and numerous legs, while millipedes have a more rounded appearance. Spotting these creatures crawling on walls, floors, or ceilings is a clear indication that you have an infestation.

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  1. Droppings:Another sign to watch out for is the presence of centipede or millipede droppings. These droppings can be small, dark-colored pellets that resemble grains of pepper. Finding these droppings in areas where the pests are commonly seen, such as damp basements or dark corners, suggests that you have an infestation.
  2. Damage to Plants:Centipedes and millipedes are not only attracted to indoor spaces but can also cause damage to outdoor areas. If you notice plants in your garden or potted plants indoors showing signs of damage, such as holes in leaves or wilting, it could be a result of centipedes or millipedes feeding on them.

Risks Associated with Centipedes and Millipedes

Centipedes and millipedes are fascinating creatures that play a valuable role in ecosystems. However, when they find their way into our homes, they can pose certain risks that we need to be aware of. In this section, we will explore the potential health risks, property damage, and bite risks associated with these arthropods.

  1. Health Risks

While most centipedes and millipedes are harmless to humans, some species have defensive mechanisms that can cause allergic reactions in sensitive individuals. Their hairs or secretions may trigger respiratory issues such as asthma, especially in those with pre-existing respiratory conditions. It is important to take precautions, especially if you or your family members have allergies or respiratory problems.

  1. Property Damage

Centipedes and millipedes are not known for causing extensive property damage. However, these creatures can be destructive to houseplants and gardens. They may feed on plant foliage, causing unsightly damage and potential crop losses. If you notice an increase in plant damage or withering, it’s important to identify and address the centipede or millipede infestation to preserve the health of your plants.

  1. Bite Risks

While centipedes and millipedes are not aggressive creatures and prefer to avoid human contact, they can bite when they feel threatened or cornered. The bites may vary in severity, causing pain, redness, swelling, and localized allergic reactions. In rare cases, secondary infections can occur if the bite is not properly cleaned and treated.

Importance of Professional Centipedes and Millipedes Control

One of the key benefits of professional pest control is the knowledge and experience these experts bring to the table. They understand the behavior, habitat, and lifecycle of centipedes and millipedes, allowing them to devise targeted strategies for effective control.

Moreover, professional pest control services utilize safe and environmentally friendly methods that prioritize the well-being of your family and the ecosystem. They are equipped with the latest tools, products, and techniques that ensure thorough eradication of these pests while minimizing any potential harm to humans or pets.

When you opt for professional pest control, you can expect long-lasting results. Rather than mere surface-level treatments, these experts provide long-term solutions that address the root causes of infestation. By identifying and eliminating entry points, reducing moisture levels, and implementing prevention measures, they help create a pest-free environment that lasts.

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Safe and Effective Centipedes and Millipedes Control Methods

  • Natural Repellents

One of the safest and most effective ways to control centipedes and millipedes is by using natural repellents. These repellents are derived from plants and contain natural substances that repel these pests. Common natural repellents used by professionals include neem oil, tea tree oil, and diatomaceous earth. These repellents not only deter centipedes and millipedes but also other unwanted pests, making them a great choice for eco-conscious homeowners.

  • Baits and Traps

Professionals also utilize baits and traps to catch and eliminate centipedes and millipedes. These baits are specifically designed to attract these pests, ensuring their effective control. Traps can be placed in strategic locations where centipedes and millipedes are commonly found, allowing for targeted pest elimination. These methods are safe for humans and pets, making them an ideal choice for families concerned about the use of chemicals in their homes.

  • Habitat Modifications

To achieve long-term control of centipedes and millipedes, professionals focus on habitat modifications. By identifying and addressing the factors that attract these pests, such as moisture and clutter, they can create an environment that is less favorable for their survival. This may involve fixing plumbing leaks, improving ventilation, removing debris, and sealing entry points. These modifications not only eliminate existing infestations but also prevent future ones, ensuring a pest-free home for years to come.

Finding the Right Centipedes and Millipedes Control Service Provider in Kenya

So, how do you go about selecting the best centipedes and millipedes control service in Kenya?

Here is the best Pest Control service providers in Kenya

Centipedes and Millipedes Prevention Tips for Kenyan Homes

Preventing centipedes and millipedes from entering your home is essential to maintaining a clean and pest-free living environment. By following these practical prevention tips, you can effectively keep these unwanted creatures at bay.

  1. Maintain Cleanliness

Regularly clean your home to remove any potential food sources that might attract centipedes and millipedes. Vacuum floors, wipe surfaces, and ensure that food crumbs and spills are promptly cleaned up.

  1. Seal Entry Points

Inspect and seal any cracks, gaps, or holes in your home’s foundation, walls, windows, and doors. Pay special attention to areas where pipes and utilities enter your home as these can serve as entry points for these pests.

  1. Manage Moisture Levels

Centipedes and millipedes are attracted to damp and humid environments. To minimize their presence, address any sources of excess moisture in your home. Fix leaks, ensure proper ventilation, and use dehumidifiers in areas prone to high humidity.

  1. Garden and Landscape Maintenance

Keep your garden and yard well-maintained to reduce hiding places for centipedes and millipedes. Regularly trim shrubs, trees, and grass, and remove any decaying vegetation or debris that may serve as their breeding grounds.

  1. Remove Clutter

Clear clutter both inside and outside your home. Dispose of any unnecessary items, as centipedes and millipedes can hide in cluttered areas. Decluttering will not only deter pests but also enhance the overall cleanliness and organization of your living space.

  1. Regular Inspections

Perform regular inspections of your home, paying attention to dark and secluded areas such as basements, attics, and crawl spaces. This proactive approach allows you to detect any signs of centipedes and millipedes early on and take appropriate measures.


Ensuring the effective control of centipedes and millipedes in Kenya is essential for maintaining healthy living and working environments.Don’t let centipedes and millipedes take over your home. Contact us +254705031180 or +254752458596  or email us info@kitutoafrica.comfor a thorough assessment and effective treatment plan.


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