Best Crickets Control Services in Kenya: Effective Solutions for a Pest-Free Home

Imagine yourself in this scenario: after a busy day, you’re ready to unwind on a peaceful night. As you relax in your favorite chair, hoping for a little peace of mind , you get disturbed by the persistent chirping of crickets. The noise, once a quaint background sound, has now become an all-too-familiar nuisance. If this sounds like your experience, you’re not alone. Crickets, with their relentless noise and sudden appearances, can disrupt the tranquility of any home or business.

But there’s hope. In Kenya, a growing number of professional cricket control services are stepping up to restore the peace in your life. These experts don’t just offer extermination; they provide comprehensive solutions tailored to your specific needs, ensuring a lasting and humane approach to pest control.

In this blog, we’ll introduce you to the best cricket control services in Kenya.

What are Crickets?

Crickets belong to the cricket family, which also encompasses grasshoppers. There are more than 900 varieties found across the globe. They are recognized for their distinctive, loud chirping sounds. They frequently appear in tales and artwork. Crickets play a significant role in the food web, serving as prey for numerous creatures. They are also given to pets, such as reptiles and birds. Additionally, some individuals consume them as treats due to their high protein content.


Crickets stand out with their slender bodies, long antennae, and special wings. Most are black or brown, but some can be green. They can live in many different places on earth.

Even though they are small, crickets have always intrigued people. Their songs at night and role in stories show their impact on human culture.

What Do Crickets Look Like?

Crickets are noted for their distinct appearances. They have cylinder-shaped bodies and circular heads. They have large antennas and powerful hind legs. These help them do many things in their world.

Most crickets are black or brown. This coloring helps them hide well in their surroundings. Yet, some kinds are bright green. This green helps them merge with plants or other green places.

Crickets come in various sizes. Some are just a few millimeters long. Others grow over two inches. Their size is tied to their species and their age stage.

Because of their specific shapes and features, crickets are easy to spot. Their bodies serve unique purposes in helping them to reproduce, survive, and interact with others in their surroundings.

Signs of a Cricket Infestation

Do you hear a constant chirping at night in your home? This could signal a cricket infestation. Male crickets chirp to court females, producing a bothersome sound. It can disrupt your sleep and peace.

Finding chewed fabric is another hint of cricket trouble. They have strong mandibles for eating materials like clothes and curtains. Look for small holes or chew marks on soft items as a sign of their presence.

Read: 7 Benefits of Regular Pest Inspections in your Home

House crickets love warm, damp places. This makes basements, crawl spaces, and laundry spots ideal for them. They’re also into lights. Porch lights and windows attract them because of the warm light and might be food sources.

To get rid of crickets, tackle the issue at its root and block their entrances. Seal up your home tight, especially any cracks or gaps. Fixing screens and making sure doors and windows are snug helps stop them from getting in.

How to Get Rid of Crickets

  1. Reduce Moisture

Crickets love damp places. So, lower the moisture levels at your place. Fix broken pipes, remove any stagnant water, and ensure good draining.

  1. Remove Potential Entry Points

Stopping crickets from coming in is crucial. Seal any gaps in your windows, doors, and foundation. Add door sweeps and fix screens to bar their way.

  1. Vacuuming

Vacuuming is a great way to suck up crickets, especially indoors. Go over places they might hide, like corners and crevices. Make sure to dump the vacuum contents right after to trap them inside.

A close-up shot of a pile of damp soil with a cricket nearby, but a large dehumidifier in the background reducing the moisture levels in the air.

  1. Regular Fumigation

Fumigating your home regularly can keep crickets away for good. Companies like KitutoAfrica Kenya can make a plan to rid your home of crickets. By fumigating often, you lessen the chances of a cricket comeback.

What Attracts Crickets?

Crickets are truly fascinating with some key things that get them interested in your place. Knowing this can help you keep them away. They look for food, shelter, and light.

  • Food: Crickets love to eat plants, so they’re often found in yards and gardens. They munch on grass, leaves, and other greenery in search of food.
  • Shelter: They also need a place to hide. Crevices in the ground or under rocks are perfect for avoiding danger and bad weather.
  • Light: Light really draws crickets in. Outdoor lights and lights visible through windows make your place attractive to them.

To keep crickets away, you can tackle what they like. This includes reducing how much food and shelter your place provides. Fixing your yard and removing clutter can make a big difference.

Using lights that crickets don’t like or keeping light from escaping your house can also help. By addressing their needs, your home can become a less inviting place for crickets.


Are Crickets Harmful?

Crickets aren’t dangerous to us with their bites or toxins. However, their nighttime singing can be quite irritating. Additionally, they might damage items such as garments and household furniture by consuming them. Upon entering a residence, crickets can destroy belongings like clothing and furniture. Repairing or acquiring new items for these can be costly. Should you encounter crickets in your living space, immediate action is advisable to minimize the extent of the destruction they might inflict. A high number of crickets in a single area can create issues related to hygiene. Their excrement might result in unpleasant odors and present a potential hazard to health.

If not dealt with, these sanitation issues might get worse. Show a residential garden with lush green grass and colorful flowers, but with large holes and patches of dead grass caused by crickets. The damage is extensive and noticeable, giving the impression that the cricket infestation has been ongoing for some time.

Protecting Your Property

To stop crickets from damaging your things, try these tips:

  • Seal up any holes in your walls to keep crickets out.
  • Clear away any trash or overgrown plants that crickets could hide in.
  • Put your clothes and fabrics in closed containers to avoid damage.
  • Keep your home clean to not attract crickets with food.
  • Use lights outside that crickets don’t like.

Think about getting your home fumigated to stop crickets before they come in.

Important to read: 7 Signs You Need Professional Fumigation Services

What Do Crickets Eat?

Crickets eat both plant matter and animal matter. They are important because they help break down decaying stuff. They usually eat leaves, flowers, fruits, and seeds. But they also eat decaying animals and vegetation. This helps them get needed nutrients. Crickets can eat pretty much any plant or animal stuff they find. At times, crickets might turn to eating each other, called cannibalism. They do this when they find a weak or injured member. This strange action actually helps lower competition.


Dealing with crickets can be more than just a minor annoyance—it can impact the quality of your life, both at home and in your business. Fortunately, the best cricket control services in Kenya are equipped with the expertise, technology, and local knowledge to tackle this issue head-on.

Reclaim your home from these annoying pests. Our cricket control services in Kenya are competitively priced and come with a satisfaction guarantee. Don’t wait until the problem escalates contact us today us +254705031180 or +254752458596  or email us info@kitutoafrica.comor visit our website and enjoy a cricket-free living space.


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