Birds Control and Removal Services in Nairobi, Kenya

Have you ever been annoyed at the fact that Birds seems to be following your business or residence in Nairobi? They are a wonderful aspect of nature, but when they become pest birds you can be in trouble. Birds can be a real problem, whether it’s the mess that they leave behind them or their noise how about when their ululations are heard from miles away to say nothing of what damage birds nesting in buildings may cause. Well, the question is; How can you fix this menace of feathered intruders?

In this post we will look at the top bird control and removal services in Nairobi, Kenya. In this article, we will talk about why bird control is necessary, what type of problems birds can lead to and how experts deal with them using professional methods.

Importance of Bird Control in Nairobi Kenya

  • Health and Hygiene: Pigeons, on the other hand are known as carriers of diseases that endanger people. Moreover, their feces contribute to dirty environments that promote the spread of bacteria and viruses.
  • Property Damage: Birds can damage structures with nests in the rafters, gutters and vents, causing blockages. Also, these are acidic droppings that can slowly erode building materials.
  • Noise Pollution: Birds chirping at all times is disturbing, especially in homes and offices.
  • Food Contamination: Birds feed in the open air and could have the dorsal effects on food supplies which might lead to damage of human health. ·
  • Safety Hazards: Bird droppings can make walkways slick, potentially to the point of causing someone to slip and fall.

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Common Bird Problems in Nairobi

Birds of Nairobi, like most cities have unique challenges. Many problems that exist are:

  • Pigeon Infestations

The Pigeon – The pest bird most commonly found in Nairobi Characterized by their huge colonies, messy waste and the fact that they are disease transmitting agents.

  • Sparrow and Starlings

These smaller birds often build nests in eaves, vents, and other nooks and crannies of buildings, causing blockages and damage.

  • Seagulls

Though more common in towns nearer the coast, seagulls are present also near Nairobi. They are loud, aggressive creatures and they can seriously mess everything up.

  • Crows and Ravens

These birds are extremely smart and often more persistent than other pest animals. They are scavenger birds who can be quite noisy and messy.

Also read: Top Feral and Stray Cat Control Services in Kenya: Protect Your Property Today

Efficient Bird Control Measures in Nairobi Kenya

Nairobi bird control experts employ several preventative measures and deterrents aimed to control the large number of birds in Kenya. Some of the best ways are:

  • Bird Netting

The nets are also another great technique to prevent birds from accessing and or entering buildings/sites – like warehouses, factories.

  • Bird Spikes

Bird spikes are metal rods with points on them that get put on window casings, rooftops and other parts of the building where birds like to sit. They keep the birds from landing and roosting, preventing harm.

  • Bird Gel

Bird Gel – Bird gel is a sticky substance that can be applied to surfaces birds love perching on. It has a viscous texture which makes it tacky and sticky so that birds feel uncomfortable to land on.

  • Ultrasonic Devices

These gadgets produce high-frequency sounds that make a birder uneasy without disturbing the human population. They work well to keep birds away from certain areas.

  • Visual Deterrents

To prevent birds from invading spaces, using preventative measures like scare balloons, reflective tapes and predator decoys can be effective against them.

  • Trapping and Relocation ·

For those times, trapping the birds and relocating them to a more suitable habitat may be necessary. Remember, this method is typically used on larger targets such as pigeons or seagulls.

  • Habitat Modification

Doing so means changes to the environment that renders the area unfavorable for birds. This includes removing food sources, sealing entry points, and reducing nesting sites.

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Tips to Selecting Bird Control Service in Nairobi

And that is why you need to select an expert bird proofing service which has knowledge and technical know-how about the whole process. As you choose the bird control service in Nairobi, here are some of the things that should be on your checklist:

  • Experience and Reputation: Choose an experienced bird control company. Read reviews and testimonials to know what their clients are saying about them.
  • Methods and Techniques: Make sure that the business has used humane techniques to manage, catch as well as discharge birds. Stay away from firms that utilize chemicals or inhuman treatments.
  • Licensing and Certification: Ensure the company is licensed and certified to deliver bird control services. This way, you can feel confident that they are properly trained and qualified to complete the job efficiently without causing any damage.
  • Comprehensive Support: Ensure the business that you are planning to hire provides multiple bird control services, right starting from prevention and ending on removal. This is so that they can deal with whatever bird-related problem you might have.
  • Customer Service: Good customer service is essential. Choose a company that is responsive, professional, and willing to answer any questions you may have.


Best Bird Control Service Company in Nairobi

KitutoAfrica stands to be the best bird control service provider in Nairobi. They provide a variety of effective bird control methods based on each client’s specific needs. Trap Door Solutions always provide the right solutions to prevent birds from entering places they should not be, and these range from bird proofing as well as netting all through spike installation. KitutoAfrica also uses good management practice with kindness when dealing to deter and keep away birds without harming them by maintaining those humane aspects into the policy.

The team at KitutoAfrica, who are experts in their field, carry out detailed evaluations of locations to pinpoint problems related to bird infestations and create tailored plans to tackle these issues. The modern technology and products ensure that the end results are not just efficient but also environment friendly. Whether it is pigeons, sparrows or other common nuisance birds in the city; KitutoAfrica has managed to protect various buildings from damage and health risks associated with bird droppings & nests. Many customers touted the company for professionalism, reliability and a commitment to customer happiness. Our passion for well done jobs makes us the perfect choice as we are reputable and experienced bird control providers in Nairobi.



Preventing Bird Problems in Nairobi

Maintaining effective bird control and prevention methods is a significant tool in managing any present or preventable pigeon-related issues. Tips for deterring birds

  • Remove Food Sources

Birds are often drawn to an area by the lure of food. Close garbage lids and ensure food scraps are not left outside.

  • Seal Entry Points

Small openings created by missing pieces of the structures help birds enter into building. Fill in these and your vents to prevent the birds from getting inside.

  • Use Bird Deterrents

Set up bird spikes, netting and other discouraging elements so birds cannot land or nest in your home.

  • Follow guidelines for sanitation and neatness.

Thoroughly clean roosting and nesting areas of birds regularly Disinfect any nests or droppings straight away to stop birds from returning.

  • Visual and Audio Deterrents

Birds off spots It is a set of scare balloons, reflective tapes and ultrasonic devices that detect the presence automatically.

  • Keep your garden

Keep trees and bushes trimmed to eliminate places where birds may build nests. Do not plant any kind of fruit tree or bush near your house, garden or business.



Birds can be a beautiful part of nature, but when they become a nuisance, they can cause significant problems. If you’re dealing with a bird problem, don’t hesitate to contact us. We have the expertise and tools to manage bird populations effectively and ensure a clean, safe, and healthy environment.

So, why wait? Take control of your bird problems today and enjoy the peace and cleanliness that comes with effective bird control and removal services in Nairobi, Kenya. For the best services, consider reaching out+254705031180 or +254752458596 or email us



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