Difference Between Molds and Mildew in Nairobi, Kenya

Difference Between Molds and Mildew in Nairobi, Kenya Have you ever wondered what the difference is between molds and mildew? They both seem like just a mess in your home, right? But understanding the difference is important, especially for people in Kenya, where the climate can make both problems common. This blog will break down […]

Molds and Health

Molds and health Have you ever wondered why you feel unwell when you’re indoors but seem fine when you’re outside? The culprit might be closer than you think—right within the walls of your home. Mold, a common but often overlooked intruder, can silently wreak havoc on your health. But what exactly are molds, and how […]

The Best and Most Effective Molds Control/Removal Services in Muthaiga, Ridgeways, Runda, Thindigua, and Kiambu County

The Best and Most Effective Mold Control/Removal Services in Muthaiga, Ridgeways, Runda, Thindigua, and Kiambu County Have you ever wondered why mold keeps reappearing despite your best efforts to remove it? Or perhaps you’re struggling to find reliable and effective mold control services in your area? If you live in Muthaiga, Ridgeways, Runda, Thindigua, or […]

Understanding the Life Cycle and Stages of Cockroaches in Kenya: A Comprehensive Guide

Understanding the Life Cycle and Stages of Cockroaches in Kenya: A Comprehensive Guide In Kenya, you can find several types of cockroaches. This includes the German, Oriental, American, Brown Banded, Dusky, and Lesser Cockroach. Each kind adds to the varied cockroach family in the country. Cockroach life cycle knowledge is crucial for controlling their numbers. Cockroaches go through […]

Our Environmental, Health and Safety Policy for Fumigation and Pest Control Services in Kenya

Our Environmental, Health and Safety Policy for Fumigation and Pest Control Services in Kenya At KitutoAfrica we promise safe, eco-friendly pest control services in Kenya. Our policy aims to protect people and the earth. It covers all our fumigation and pest control work, making sure we’re using top practices and caring for our environment. We base our work on Integrated Pest […]

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